Anti-Mullerian Hormone

AMH, Mullerian-Inhibiting Hormone
Core Laboratory & Transfusion Medicine

Evaluating ovarian reserve and predicting response to controlled ovarian stumulation in patients with infertility.

Evaluating premature ovarian failure, AMH secreting tumors, ambiguous genitalia and testicular function in children.

Serum, Plasma

0.5 mL

Serum (Gold SST)
Plasma (Light Green PST)
Collection Containers – Tube Types

Room Temperature: 48 hours
Fridge: 1 week @ 2-8°C
Freezer: 90 days @ -20°C

UniCel DxI 600, immunoassay


1 week

18 - 25 y: 6.8 - 95.0 pmol/L
26 - 30 y: 1.2 - 53.0 pmol/L
31 - 35 y: 0.5 - 52.0 pmol/L
36 - 40 y: 0.2 - 51.0 pmol/L
41 - 45 y: 0.0 - 23.0 pmol/L
≥ 46 y: 0.0 - 8.2 pmol/L

Males: 5.2 - 110.0 pmol/L

Predicting response to IVF ovarian stimulation:
Negligible Response: < 1.1 pmol/L
Reduced Response: 1.1 - 6.9 pmol/L
Normal Response: 7.0 - 20 pmol/L
Potentially Excessive Response: > 20 pmol/L

In case of discrepancies, always interpret results using reference ranges as stated on laboratory reports and/or electronic patient chart.

416-586-4800 extension 4688