Autopsy - Perinatal Stillborn Less Than 20 weeks and Less Than 500 g

fetal autopsy, perinatal autopsy, post mortem, autopsy, abortus
Anatomical Pathology

Perinatal Pathology Requisition C12

Supporting Documents

Please see After Death Care Policy and information in Death Package available from Health Records

1. Inappropriately completed or absent Perinatal Pathology Requisition
2. Absent indication of clinical reason for autopsy
3. Body without identification, including patient name, date of birth and MRN, attached directly to the container containing fetal remains or, to the body itself

Monday to Friday; 8 am to 4 pm

416-586-4800 x 2250

Perinatal Pathology Requisition

Please see After Death Care Policy and information in Death Package available from Health Records