Bacteria - Culture & Sensitivities – Aspirate/Tissue/Biopsies/Sterile Fluids/Drainages/Devices

Culture-based detection of bacterial pathogens from aspirates/tissues/biopsies/sterile fluids/drainages/devices
○ Abscess contents ○ Aspirates ○ Tissues ○ Biopsy material, including fine needle aspirate ○ Sterile fluids (e.g. peritoneal fluid, peritoneal dialysis fluid, pleural fluid, synovial fluid, amniotic fluid, tympanocentesis fluid, intraocular fluid, othe

Other Information

○ Tubes and tips are not suitable for culture from drainage bags; instead collect a sample of any fresh fluid draining from the device

○ If collected from a device, indicate the type of device and location on body (if applicable).
○ Do not send swabs if aspirates or tissues can be collected.
○ Only microscopy will be done on IUD.

○ When prosthetic joint infection is suspected, multiple tissue samples are recommended from the area surrounding the infected joint

○ Aspirates/tissues/biopsies/sterile fluids/drainages (except peritoneal dialysis fluid): sterile container (min volume 2 mL)
○ Peritoneal dialysis fluid: BD BACT/ALERT® adult FA FN bottles

Decontaminate skin with 70% alcohol followed by iodine or chlorhexidine. Aspirate fluid by percutaneous aspiration using aseptic technique to avoid contamination and a syringe and needle. Dispense in sterile container and transport to laboratory.
Abscess contents/aspirates/sterile fluids
○ Samples should be collected aseptically through decontaminated skin using a syringe and needle and placed in a sterile container and submitted to the laboratory ASAP. Collecting swabs of fluids/abscess contents/aspirate has lower yield and should NOT be done.

Tympanocentesis fluid:
○ Clean external ear canal with mild detergent. Use a syringe to aspirate fluid from the eardrum. Dispense fluid into a sterile container and transport to laboratory.
○ If anaerobic culture required, dispense some of the aspirated fluid into an anaerobic transport medium

Intraocular fluids (aqueous, vitreous):
○ Collect an aspirate of vitreous fluid or paracentesis of anterior chamber using a needle aspiration technique. Dispense fluid into sterile container.

○ Collect 5-10 mm3 tissue/bone aseptically using surgical technique/punch biopsy. Place in a clean, sterile container with a small amount of sterile saline. Do not wrap tissue in gauze. Sample viable infected tissue rather than superficial debris. Collect tissues from areas within and adjacent to infected area.
○ If lesion is cutaneous, collect biopsy from periphery of lesion or aspirate material under lesion margin
For fine needle aspirates, insert needle into tissue in different directions. Aspirate specimen into container.
○ Samples should be collected aseptically through the drain and placed in a sterile container and submitted to the laboratory ASAP.

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery


○ up to 7 days

416-586-4800 extension 4448


○ Label specimen container. Place specimens in biohazard bag and seal.

○ Specimens can be held at room temperature (20-25C˚) after collection but need to be refrigerate (2-8 C˚) if there is more than a 2h-delay in transport, EXCEPT peritoneal dialysis effluent which should be kept at room temperature (20-25˚C) and transported to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory ASAP after collection.