Bacteria - Culture & Sensitivities – Eye/Ear

Culture-based detection of bacterial pathogens in non-sterile ear and eye specimens
○ Corneal scrapings ○ Conjunctival swab ○ Eye swab ○ Lacrimal stone/secretions ○ External ear swab ○ Ear/eye devices

○ Corneal scrapes: ideally,agar plates (blood, chocolate [and IMA if fungal culture is being ordered]), thioglycollate broth and microscope slide (contact the microbiology laboratory to obtain collection supplies). Sterile container with small amount of sterile saline is an alternative.
○ Swabs: Sterile swab in Amies transport medium (eSwab)
○ Lacrimal stone/secretions or devices: Clean, sterile container

Corneal Scrapes:
Preferably plant at bedside onto agars (BA, CHOC, IMA), into broth (THIO), and onto microscope slide; otherwise collect in sterile container with small amount of sterile saline. Corneal surfaces should be rinsed thoroughly with sterile normal saline to remove anaesthetic prior to collecting specimen; use a Kimura scalpel to scrape across the ulcer using short firm strokes in one direction; obtain 3 to 5 scrapings per cornea. Avoid contact with eyelids/eyelashes. For agar, plant in rows of C-shaped marks, with each row representing a separate sample.
Conjunctival/eye swab:
○ Conjunctival surfaces should be rinsed thoroughly with normal saline to remove anaesthetic prior to collecting specimen. Roll a sterile pre-moistened swab over the conjunctiva and place in transport medium.
○ Collect samples from both affected and unaffected eyes to compare microbial growth using different swabs/transport media for each eye. Swabs should be collected prior to the instillation of topical anaesthetics or antibiotics.

Lacrimal stone/secretions:
○ For lacrimal stones, collect stones using sterile technique and place into sterile container.
○ For lacrimal secretions, collect visible purulent discharge using a swab or press lacrimal sac to remove exudate for culture. Do not perform a needle aspiration of the lacrimal gland.
External ear swab:
○ Insert clean, sterile swab into ear canal until resistance is met. Rotate swab to collect fluid on swab and place in transport medium.
○ If ear drum is ruptured, collect exudate on swab after inserting through an auditory speculum

○ Collect device and place in sterile container using aseptic technique where possible to avoid contamination

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery


○ up to 72h

416-586-4800 extension 4446


○ Label specimen container. Place specimens in biohazard bag and seal.

○ Swabs and lacrimal stones/secretions should be stored at room temperature (20-25˚C) after collection. If a delayed of more than 2h is expected, store at refrigeration temperature (2-8˚C). Transport to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory ASAP after collection.

○ For inoculated plates, keep in the incubator (35˚C) before transport and processing. Transport to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory ASAP after collection.