Bacteria - Culture & Sensitivities – Respiratory (Upper)

Culture-based detection of bacterial pathogens of the upper respiratory tract
○ Epiglottal swabs ○ Mouth swabs ○ Nasal swabs ○ Nasopharyngeal swab/Auger suction ○ Oral abscess swab ○ Sinus/antral washings ○ Throat swab

○ Upper respiratory tract swabs: single swab in Amies transport medium
○ Upper respiratory tract washings: sterile container

Upper respiratory tract
Epiglottal swab
○ Collect epiglottal swab with a clean, sterile swab and swabbing the cartilaginous structure that overhangs the larynx. Submit the swab in Amies transport medium

Mouth/oral abscess swab
○ Swab lesions or abscesses in the mouth using a clean, sterile swab and then place the swab in Amies transport medium.

Nasal swab
○ Using a saline moistened swab, vigorously rotate just inside each nostril and transport the specimen in Amies transport medium.

Nasopharyngeal swab
○ Insert tip of swab into nostril aiming along the floor of nasal cavity until posterior wall of nasopharynx is reached. Resistance will be felt when reached. Rotate swab for 10-30s. Place swab into transport medium and close tube. Repeat collection with second nostril.
Nasal aspirates:
○ Connect mucus trap (Luken’s trap) to suction pump and catheter. Insert end of catheter through external nares to posterior pharynx. Apply suction, slowly withdraw catheter so it is only in nasopharynx for 10s. Flush material out of catheter with small volume of sterile saline (1-1.5 mL).

Sinus/antral washings
○ Collect specimen by endoscopy or maxillary sinus puncture and aspiration. If specimen collected by endoscopy, aspirate drainage from the middle meatus adjacent to the maxillary sinus in a sterile container
○ If specimen collected by maxillary sinus puncture and aspiration, clean anterior nares with antiseptic solution, puncture antrum and aspirate secretions with a needle and syringe. Irrigate with 2 mL of normal saline if no secretions are evident. Collect in sterile container.

Throat swab
○ Collect the specimen using a clean, sterile swab by swabbing the posterior oropharynx vigorously and placing it in universal transport medium.

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery


○ up to 72 h

416-586-4800 extension 4450


○ Label specimen container. Place specimens in biohazard bag and seal.

○ Specimens can be held at room temperature (20-25˚C) after collection and transported to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory ASAP after collection. If a delay of more than 2h in transport is anticipated, the specimen should be refrigerated (2-8˚C).