Bacteria - detection (16S PCR)

Molecular detection of bacteria in culture-negative clinical specimens
○ Specimen submitted to UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory for bacterial culture that is culture negative • Tissue (0,5 g) • CSF (0,25 mL) • Aspirate/body fluid (0,5 mL) • Swabs (0,5 mL)

Other Information

○ This test is available in specific clinical situations (e.g. organisms seen in Gram stain from sterile site specimen but failed to grow in culture)
○ Samples with multiples species of bacteria present may be uninterpretable

○ Consult with the medical microbiologist on call at UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory to determine if this test can be ordered

○ See under respective specimen type for bacterial culture

○ See under respective specimen type for bacterial culture

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery


○ 3-5 days upon receipt by PHOL

416-586-4800 extension 4454


○ UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory will facilitate the transfer of primary specimens to Public Health Ontario Laboratory for PCR testing