Bacterial vaginosis and vaginitis screen

Detection of bacterial vaginosis
○ Vaginal swab

Other Information

○ If Trichomonas vaginalis detection required, an additional specimen must be submitted (See: Trichomonas vaginalis) and transported to the laboratory within 15 minutes of collection

○ If Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis detection is required, see: Gonorrhoea & Chlamydia - detection

○ Vaginal swabs are only appropriate specimens for routine screening for bacterial vaginosis and not routine culture.
○ Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis has not been validated for pre-pubertal and post-menopausal patients and the interpretation of the Gram stain result needs to take this into account.

○ Sterile swab in Amies transport medium (eSwab)

○ Use a pre-moistened swab to collect specimen from the posterior vaginal vault or vaginal orifice by rolling swab back and forth against the surface. Place swab in transport medium.

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery


○ Up to 24 hours

416-586-4800 extension 4455


○ Label specimen container. Place specimens in biohazard bag and seal.

○ Specimens should be stored at room temperature (20-25˚C) after collection and submitted to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory ASAP