Breast Tumour Biomarkers, PD-L1

Solid Tumour Biomarker Testing, PD-L1
Anatomical Pathology
Surgical Pathology

Other Information

Breast specimens must have a cold ischemic time of <60 minutes proceeded by fixation in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 6-72 hours. (as per CAP/ASCO guidelines) Microwave processed and decalcified samples are not suitable for testing. Mercurochrome use as a dye marker is not recommended.

Testing on locally recurrent unresectable or metastatic triple negative breast cancer (TNBC)

Formalin fixed paraffin embedded block or tissue sections cut at 4 microns mounted on "Superfrost Plus" charged slides.

Dako Omnis

Monday to Friday; 8 am to 5 pm

Please refer directly to the Pathology Report

Tel: (416) 586-4800 extension 4457
Fax: (416) 586-8628