CMV, cytomegalovirus - detection

Molecular detection of human cytomegalovirus (CMV) nucleic acids
Respiratory ○ BAL Gastrointestinal ○ Stool Sterile body fluids ○ Amniotic fluid ○ Bile ○ CSF ○ Sterile fluids/aspirates ○ Ocular fluid (aqueous/vitreous) (quantitative viral load) ○ Urine Other ○ Neonatal surveillance swabs ○ Tissue (including esophage

Other Information

○ Specimens (except blood/plasma) will be tested by a qualitative assay to detect the CMV virus. This assay does not provide a viral load. If quantitative viral load is required for treatment, please submit a whole blood/plasma specimen.

○ Whole blood/plasma is required for quantitative viral load monitoring where clinically indicated

○ BAL/urine/CSF/sterile fluids/aspirates: sterile container,
○ Stool: clean, sterile container
○ Neonatal surveillance swabs: single swab in transport medium
○ Tissue: sterile container with small amount of normal saline
○ Whole blood/plasma: EDTA-blood tube (lavender top) (min volume 5 mL)

○ Pass bronchoscope transnasally or transorally (if patient is not intubated) or via endotracheal tube (if patient is intubated). Instill a large volume of 0.85% sterile saline (nonbacteriostatic) into the airway lumen. Discard the initial fluid recovered (likely contaminated). Collect remaining fluid in a clean, sterile container via suction.

○ Pass stool into a clean, dry pan or container mounted on the toilet. Collect at least 5 mL of watery diarrheal stool (10 to 30 mL preferred), approximately 1 gram of fecal material or a walnut-sized portion of stool or a sufficient amount of stool to the line of the transport container. Transport to the laboratory immediately after collection

Amniotic fluid:
○ Decontaminate skin, insert needle into uterus aseptically and collect amniotic fluid via percutaneous aspiration (amniocentesis). Collect fluid in sterile container

○ Bile may be aspirated with a syringe during surgery or collected in a sterile container from a post-op drain

○ Decontaminate skin, collect at least 0,5mL of CSF

Sterile fluids/aspirates
○ Decontaminate skin with 70% alcohol followed by iodine or chlorhexidine. Aspirate fluid by percutaneous aspiration using aseptic technique and a syringe and needle.
○ Collect bone marrow aspirates using a sterile needle and dispense into a clean sterile container containing sodium heparin (min volume 1 mL)

Ocular fluid
○ Collect an aspirate of vitreous fluid or paracentesis of anterior chamber using a needle aspiration technique. Dispense fluid into sterile container.

Midstream urine (MSU):
○ Clean urethral meatus. Void and discard the first 10 - 20 mL of urine in order to clear the urethra. Collect the subsequent urine into a clean, sterile container.
○ Neonatal urine: 3-4 ml to be collected

Neonatal surveillance swab:
○ Swab should be taken from the throat of neonate and placed in transport medium.

○ Collect 5-10 mm3 tissue aseptically using surgical technique/punch biopsy. Place in a clean, sterile container with a small amount of sterile saline. Do not wrap tissue in gauze.
○ If lesion for biopsy is cutaneous, collect biopsy from periphery of lesion or aspirate material under lesion margin

Whole blood/plasma
○ Decontaminate skin with 70% alcohol followed by iodine or chlorhexidine, collect at least 5 mL of blood
○ Neonatal blood (min 1 ml)

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery


○ Up to 24h

416-586-4800 extension 4481


○ Label specimen container. Place specimens in biohazard bag and seal.

○ Specimens should be stored at refrigeration temperature (2-8˚C) after collection and transported to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory ASAP.