Calcium, Ionized, Extraporeal Circuit Blood

Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, CRRT
Core Laboratory & Transfusion Medicine

Monitoring citrate anticoagulation for patients on continuous renal replacement therapy.

Whole Blood

65 µL

Sample must be stored on ice immediately after collection and received by laboratory within 60 minutes of collection.
Collection Instructions

Send on ice.

Room Temperature: 60 min (sample must be kept on ice)

Samples will be rejected for the following reasons:
- Clotted sample
- Excessive air bubbles
- Exceeds maximum elapsed time since collection
- Not received on ice
Specimen Acceptability and Transport Guidance

Radiometer ABL90

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

30 minutes

0.35 - 0.46 mmol/L

In case of discrepancies, always interpret results using reference ranges as stated on laboratory reports and/or electronic patient chart.

416-586-4800 extension 4688