Coccidiodes (Please notify laboratory if suspected)

Detection of Coccidioides species (Coccidiomycosis)
Fungal culture: ○ Blood ○ Tissue/biopsy ○ BAL ○ Any other specimen submitted for routine fungal culture Antigen detection: ○ Plasma, serum ○ BAL, CSF, other body fluids ○ Urine

Other Information

○ Ensure that the laboratory is notified if this agent is suspected
○ For Coccidioides serology, see Fungal serology

Fungal culture:
○ Blood: SPS vacutainer tube
○ BAL or Tissue/biopsy: sterile container

Antigen detection
○ Serum: serum separator tube or red top tube (min volume 5mL)
○ Plasma: EDTA, heparin or sodium citrate tube (5 mL)
○ Urine: sterile container (0,5 mL)
○ BAL/other body fluids: sterile container (0,5mL)
○ CSF: sterile container (0,8 mL)

Fungal culture:
○ Blood: SPS vacutainer tube
○ BAL or Tissue/biopsy: sterile container

Antigen detection
○ Serum: serum separator tube or red top tube (min volume 5mL)
○ Plasma: EDTA, heparin or sodium citrate tube (5 mL)
○ Urine: sterile container (0,5 mL)
○ BAL/other body fluids: sterile container (0,5mL)
○ CSF: sterile container (0,8 mL)

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery

Culture In-house Quantitative Antigen EIA

○ Culture/confirmation: Up to 21 days
○ Antigen detection: Up to 3 days after receipt of specimen

416-586-4800 extension 4472

YES; laboratory should be notified if this agent is suspected

○ Label specimen container. Place specimens in biohazard bag and seal..

○ Blood, CSF and skin should be stored at room temperature (20-25˚C) after collection and submitted to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory ASAP. Other specimens should be stored at refrigeration temperature if a delay of more than 2h is expected.

○ The specimen will be referred to the Public Health Ontario Laboratory for testing if there is fungal growth suggestive of Coccidioides species.

○ The specimen will be referred to MiraVista Diagnostics for antigen detection testing.