Connective Tissue Disease Screen

ANA Screen, CTD Screen
Core Laboratory & Transfusion Medicine

Detecting anti-nuclear autoantibodies (ANA) and assisting in the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren's Syndrome, scleroderma, idiopathic inflammatory myopathy and mixed connective tissue disease.

The screen includes dsDNA, centromere B, centromere A, Sm (smith), RNP, Ro60, Ro52, Scl70, La (SS-B), Jo1, ribosomal P, RNA polymerase III, PM/Scl, MI-2, PCNA, Th/To, Ku. A negative result suggests the patient is negative for the 17 autoantibodies included in the screen. This screen has replaced previous ANA testing by immunofluorescence.


0.5 mL

Freeze for shipment or if assay not completed within 2 days.

Room Temperature: 8 Hours
Fridge: 48 hours @ 2-8°C
Freezer: 1 year @ -20°C

BIO-FLASH, immunoassay


1 week

< 20 CU

In case of discrepancies, always interpret results using reference ranges as stated on laboratory reports and/or electronic patient chart.

416-586-4800 extension 4688

The following reflex algorithm is implemented. The ENA7 Screen is an additional screen used to determine whether or not reflex testing for individual auto-antibodies should be performed.

Orders can be placed for the CTD Screen OR individual auto-antibodies (DsDNA, Centromere B, Sm, RNP, Ro60, Ro52, Scl70, SSB, Jo1) but they cannot be ordered together. If an individual auto-antibody (ie. dsDNA) is ordered alongside the CTD Screen, the individual auto-antibody ordered will be cancelled to prevent duplicate testing.

If the CTD screen is positive and all subsequent reflexed tests are negative, the following auto-antibodies may have be positive: Ribosomal P, RNA Polymerase III, PM/Scl, MI-2, PCNA, Th/To, Ku and/or Centromere A.