Ehrlichia chaffeensis

Detection of Ehrlichia chaffeensis nucleic acid or antibodies
○ Whole blood (PCR and serology) ○ Serum (serology) ○ CSF (PCR)

Other Information

○ Acute and convalescent sera may be required for diagnosis
○ CSF samples are accepted for PCR testing, however, they are not ideal specimen types as they are typically low-yield
○ Initiation of antibiotic treatment prior to PCR testing may result in decreased bacterial genome which will affect the outcome of PCR testing.

○ Serology: Clotted blood – serum separator tube (min volume 5 mL)
○ PCR: EDTA tube (min volume 5mL)
○ CSF (0.5mL)

○ Decontaminate skin with 70% alcohol followed by iodine or chlorhexidine, collect at least 5 mL of blood
○ Decontaminate skin, collect at least 0.5 mL of CSF

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery


○ Up to 42 days upon receipt at PHO laboratory for serology
○ Up to 21 days upon receipt at NML for PCR

416-586-4800 extension 4487


○ Label specimen container. Place specimens in biohazard bag and seal.

○ Specimens should be stored at refrigeration temperature (2-8˚C) after collection and transported to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory ASAP

○ The specimen will be referred to the Public Health Ontario Laboratory for testing. PHOL will refer the specimen to NML.