Fetal/Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia

FNAIT, Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia
Core Laboratory & Transfusion Medicine
Transfusion Medicine

To detect 1. the presence of IgG alloantibody in the pregnant individual directed against human platelet antigens (HPAs) and to determine the pregnant individual's human platelet antigen status and 2. the HPAs of the partner/neonate

Please see referral lab website for further information

McMaster Platelet Immunology Requisition


See Referral Laboratory requisition for information
Collection Instructions

Please see referral lab website for further information

Please see referral lab website for further information

Referred Out

Monday to Thursday

Referred to McMaster or Canadian Blood Services



Tel #: 416-586-4502
Fax #: 416-586-8504

Samples should be sent from the pregnant individual and partner (HPA antigen status) at the same time or the pregnant individual and neonate (HPA antigen status) at the same time.

Please deliver to the Core Laboratory, 11th Floor