Fetal Hemoglobin

Fetal Hgb
Core Laboratory & Transfusion Medicine
Flow Cytometry
HBFFL (ordered in lab)

Specimen is referred to Transfusion Services for BK testing. Positives are then analyzed by flow cytometry. No requisition necessary.

The laboratory determination of the level of fetal cells in maternal circulation is an important support in the obstetrical management of women with suspected uterine trauma and for determining the proper dose of Rh immune globulin.

Maternal peripheral blood sample

Optimum full draw

Criteria for collection, handling and volume will be based on Transfusion Medicine Services (TMS) specimen requirements for Betke-Kleihauer (BK) testing.
Collection Instructions

Positive BK samples to be stored at 2-8 degrees Celsius.

Sample should be less than 48 hours old. Greater than 48 hours will still be tested and resulted with a comment.

See rejection criteria for Betke-Kleihauer testing.
Specimen Acceptability and Transport Guidance

Beckman Coulter Navios Ex

Samples to be received Monday to Friday. Specimens collected Friday late afternoon or over a weekend will be processed Monday morning. Special provisions have been made for statutory holiday testing to ensure within 48 hour testing window. Specimen to be refrigerated.

2 hours when received before 2pm Monday to Friday. Samples collected Friday after 2pm will be processed Monday morning.

416-586-4800 Extension 8519

Flow cytometry fetal hgb testing is performed only positive BK specimens received from Transfusion Services.

Specimens are received from Transfuion Services depending on BK results.