Hereditary Spherocytosis Screening

EMA binding, Eosin-5-Maleimide
Core Laboratory & Transfusion Medicine
Flow Cytometry

Mount Sinai Hospital -Special Laboratory Requisition Report Form MS 331

Other Information

The term "Osmotic Fragility" may be requested by the physician. They should be notified that OF is no longer available. And that the alternative test is Hereditary spherocytosis screening by Flow Cytometry. Other name of test for flow are EMA binding and Eosin-5-Maleimide


Optimum full draw

2 mL EDTA Lavender Tube or 500 uL EDTA microcontainer
Collection Containers – Tube Types

Keep blood at room temperature

Sample must be fresh (taken maximun 24 hours before testing)

Specimens that cannot be tested within 24 hours from collection time. Do not refridgerate.
Specimen Acceptability and Transport Guidance

Hospital for Sick Children Flow Cytometry

Samples to be received in the lab from Monday to Wednesday and no later than 12:00pm on Wednesday, excluding holidays and weekends.

Three working days

416-586-4800 Extension 8519

A complete blood count (CBC) and morphology are required at the time of draw of the specimen.