Klebsiella pneumoniae (hypervirulence) - detection

Molecular detection of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae
Acceptable specimens ○ Bacterial isolate from positive specimen

Other Information

○ All K. pneumoniae isolates from blood cultures and sterile sites will be phenotypically tested for hypermucoviscosity (string test) prior to referring specimen for genotypic identification

○ Consult with medical microbiologist on call if specific request for hypervirulence testing is required, if clinically indicated
○ NML PCR looks for K1, K2 and K5-serotype specific genes, the rmpA/rmpA2 genes, an aerobactin operon-specific gene (iucA), a salmochelin operon-specific gene (iroB) and yersinabactin (ybtA), and colibactin (clbA).

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery


○ 6 days

416-586-4800 extension 4548


○ UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory will refer the patient isolate to
the National Microbiology Laboratory for testing if 1) the isolate tests positive for string test or 2) the isolate tests negative for string test but specifically requesting testing for hypervirulence.