
Malaria Parasites
Core Laboratory & Transfusion Medicine

Hematopathology Requisition
(MS 333A)

Testing includes screening with Malaria Rapid Test and DNA amplification assay (LAMP), Thick & Thin Smears, identification of parasite species and parasitemia level on positive samples.
Malaria Rapid Test is an assay that uses monoclonal antibodies to detect Plasmodium falciparum antigen and pan-malarial antigen in blood specimens. It is intended to aid in the rapid diagnosis of human malaria infections and in the differential diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum (P.f.) infections from other less virulent malarial infections.
Malaria Screening by DNA amplification assay (LAMP) is considered as a sensitive method of malaria infection detection. A negative result requires no further investigation and repeated testing.
Examination of thick blood films is a detection of malarial parasites even if present in very small numbers and allows for easier identification of parasite species. It is performed on samples with positive screening results and when the LAMP assay is invalid or not available.
Parasitemia level is performed on thin smears of positive samples. It is used to determine the levels of parasites and to monitor the effects of the treatment.
Positive samples are sent to Public Health Lab for speciation confirmation

Whole Blood (EDTA)

4 mL, test can be done on CBC tube, no extra tube is required if the CBC is ordered at the same time

Lavender whole blood tube with EDTA
Collection Containers – Tube Types

Send Immediately, sample timing is critical (label bag STAT)
Collection Instructions

Immunochromatographic assay / DNA amplification /Microscopy

24 hours, 7 days/week.

Malaria Test and Screen:1 hour
Speciation: 24 hours

Malaria Test and Screen:1 hour
Speciation: 24 hours

416-586-4800 Extension 4688