Muscle Biopsy for Enzyme Investigation - Adult

Muscle Histochemistry, Muscle, Muscle Biopsy
Anatomical Pathology
Surgical Pathology

Pathology Consultation Requisition MS328
Clinical history is required.

Fresh tissue

Collect on gauze lightly moistened with saline (not soaked) and place in specimen container labeled with patient information.

Specimen is STAT. Transport on an ice pack to the Laboratory in a styrofoam cooler. Do not let tissue freeze.

Specimen integrity greatly affected by temperature. Must be kept cool and submitted to lab ASAP for processing.

Enzyme Histochemical and Special Staining.

Monday to Friday; 8 am to 1 pm

Please refer directly to the Pathology Report

(416) 586-4800 extension # 4485 or 2250

Notify the Histology Laboratory at extension 4485 at least 24 hours in advance of procedure. Specimens are time sensitive and should arrive in lab before 1 pm.