
Detection of Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma species (except M. genitalium)
○ Genital swabs (urethral, cervical, vaginal) ○ Endometrial/placental swabs ○ Body fluid aspirates ○ Blood ○ Products of conception ○ Autopsy tissue/swab ○ Urine ○ Neonatal specimens – Auger suction, nasopharyngeal/endotracheal aspirates

Other Information

○ Speciation will only be done for M. hominis if specifically requested. Speciation is not available for other Mycoplasma spp or Ureaplasma spp.
○ Antibiotic sensitivity testing is not available for these organisms.
○ Urethral swabs (men) and vaginal or cervical swabs (women) are preferred over urine specimens for detection of genital mycoplasmas
○ Rectal swabs, adult respiratory/throat swabs, and seminal fluid are not acceptable specimen sites for Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma culture

○ Genital/endometrial/placental swabs: single swab in universal transport medium
○ Body fluid aspirates/urine: sterile container (min volume 1 mL)
○ Products of conception swab: sterile swab in universal transport medium
○ Blood: BD BACT/ALERT® FA Plus Aerobic, BD BACT/ALERT® FN Plus Anaerobic or BD BACT/ALERT® PediFAN (pediatric)
○ Autopsy tissue/swab: sterile container with small amount of transport medium or sterile swab in universal transport medium
○ Neonatal specimens: sterile container (if < 1mL transfer to universal transport medium)

Genital swabs
○ Collect specimens from the male or female urethra or female cervix by inserting a urethral swab at least 1 cm into the orifice and rotating it 360 degrees. After collection of swab specimen, swirl swab in a vial containing transport medium, express excess fluid by pressing the swab against the inside of the vial, and then discard swab
○ Collect vaginal swab by swabbing back and forth over the vaginal mucosa to maximize recovery of cells.

Endometrial/placental swabs
○ Rotate sterile swab over surface between amnion and chorion membranes if placental swab, or endometrial/uterine surface if an endometrial swab. Place in transport medium

○ Collect aspirates using a sterile needle and dispense into a clean sterile container.

○ A set of blood cultures consists of two BacT/Alert bottles, one for aerobic and the other for anaerobic culture taken from a single venipuncture site. For infants, a single aerobic BacT/Alert PF bottle is required
○ Clean over the proposed site (an area with a diameter of about 5cm) using 2% chlorhexidine with 70% alcohol swabs for 30 sec and allow the site to air dry (usually about 10 sec). Do not palpate or touch the cleaned site with non-sterile gloves after cleaning

○ Remove the protective plastic cap from each BacT/Alert bottle and disinfect the rubber septum with 70% alcohol for 10 sec and allow it to air dry before proceeding. Collect blood using a syringe to assure that the appropriate volume is collected.
○ For adults, collect 20 mL of blood for each blood culture draw. Expel all air from the syringe and aseptically inject 10 mL into the BacT/Alert FAN aerobic bottle and 10 mL in the BacT/Alert FAN anaerobic bottle. Do not overfill the bottles

Products of conception swab
○ Rotate sterile swab over surface between amnion and chorion membranes. Place in transport medium

○ Clean urethral meatus. Collect 10 - 20 mL of first-voided urine into a clean, sterile container.

In and Out catheter / catheter insertion urine (women only):
○ Collect urine into a clean, sterile container immediately following the initial insertion of an indwelling catheter into the bladder.

Nasal/endotracheal aspirates
○ Connect mucus trap (Luken’s trap) to suction pump and catheter. Insert end of catheter through external nares to posterior pharynx. Apply suction, slowly withdraw catheter so it is only in nasopharynx for 10s. Flush material out of catheter with small volume of sterile saline (1-1.5 mL).
○ For endotracheal aspirates, collect aspirated material using a NEW sterile catheter or in-line catheter and aspirate material from the trachea using a syringe or suction device

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery


○ Up to 17 days

416-586-4800 extension 4576


○ Label specimen container. Place specimens in biohazard bag and seal.

○ Specimens should be stored and transported to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory at refrigeration temperature (2-8˚C) immediately after collection, EXCEPT BLOOD (20-25˚C).

○ The specimen will be referred to the Public Health Ontario Laboratory for testing.