
Identification of Nocardia species in clinical specimens
Respiratory ○ BAL ○ Bronchial brushings/washings ○ Sputum Other ○ Pus and abscess material

Other Information

○ If Nocardia infection is suspected, please notify the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory to add-on testing (either by phone or on requisition)

○ BAL, bronchial brushings/washing/sputum/abscess aspirates: clean, sterile container
○ Pus/other abscess material: single sterile swab in Amies transport medium or sterile container

○ Pass bronchoscope transnasally or transorally (if patient is not intubated) or via endotracheal tube (if patient is intubated). Instill a large volume of 0.85% sterile saline (nonbacteriostatic) into the airway lumen. Discard the initial fluid recovered (likely contaminated). Collect remaining fluid in a clean, sterile container via suction.

Bronchial brushings/washing
○ Instill brush to collect cellular material from esophageal wall. Place protected brush sample in sterile container with 1 mL of saline.
○ If collecting washings, pass bronchoscope transnasally or transorally (if patient is not intubated) or via endotracheal tube (if patient is intubated). For washings, inject aliquots of approximately 20 to 30 mL of 0.85% sterile saline (nonbacteriostatic) for adults, or 5 mL for children. Suction washings into a sterile container.

Sputum/tracheal aspirate
○ Collect sputum by expectoration or by tracheal aspiration in sterile container.
○ For endotracheal aspirates, collect aspirated material using a NEW sterile catheter or in-line catheter and aspirate material from the trachea using a syringe or suction device

Pus and abscess material
○ Pus from an abscess should be collected using a sterile swab in Amies transport medium.
○ Abscess aspirates should be collected aseptically through decontaminated skin using a syringe and needle and placed in a sterile container and submitted to the laboratory ASAP.

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery

In-house Pyruvate Agar added

Up to 4 weeks

416-586-4800 extension 4578

○ NO; but laboratory should be notified if culture is required as it is not routine

○ Label specimen container. Place specimens in biohazard bag and seal.

○ Specimens should be stored and transported to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory at room temperature (20-25˚C) immediately after collection. Keep refrigerated (2-8˚C) if a delay of more than 2 hours in transport is anticipated.