Parasites (other) – Trichinella

Identification of Trichinella (trichinosis) or antibodies
Microscopy ○ Biopsy material (gastrocnemius or other skeletal) Serology ○ Whole blood ○ Serum

Other Information

○ Please provide appropriate clinical information on the requisition (e.g. travel history or country of origin if refugee, returned traveller or recent immigrant, eosinophilia, HIV, immunocompromise, critical illness, admitted to ICU or previous parasite infection).

○ An acute and convalescent specimen (collected 2-3 weeks apart) may be required for laboratory diagnosis of trichinosis.
○ Serology is the main non-invasive diagnostic test method available, with muscle biopsy microscopy reserved in case of diagnostic uncertainty in the parenteral phase.

○ Biopsy material: sterile container with small amount of saline (~ 1mL)
○ Whole blood/serum: serum separator tube (clotted blood) (min volume 5 mL)

Tissue/biopsy materials
○ Collect 5-10 mm3 tissue aseptically using surgical technique/punch biopsy. Place in a clean, sterile container with a small amount of sterile saline. Do not wrap tissue in gauze.
○ Decontaminate skin with 70% alcohol followed by iodine or chlorhexidine, collect at least 5 mL of blood

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery


○ Microscopy: Up to 3 days
○ Serology: Up to 10 days

416-586-4800 extension 4610


○ Label specimen container. Place specimens in biohazard bag and seal.

○ Specimens for microscopy should be kept at room temperature (20-25˚C) and transported to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory ASAP. Specimen for serology should be kept at refrigeration temperature (2-8 ˚C).

○ The specimen will be referred to the Public Health Ontario Laboratory for testing. PHOL will refer serology testing to NRCP.