Parasites (other) – Trypanosoma

Identification of Trypanosoma species or antibodies
Serology ○ Whole blood ○ Serum Microscopy ○ Unstained thick and thin blood smear slides ○ EDTA blood (min volume 1 mL) ○ CSF ○ Lymph node aspirate PCR ○ EDTA blood

Other Information

○ Infection by a blood parasite cannot be ruled out with a single blood sample. Acute and convalescent sera collected 2-3 weeks apart may be needed for laboratory diagnosis
○ Indicate relevant clinical information (e.g. recent travel history, recent refugee or immigrant/country of origin, fever, hemoglobinuria, intravascular hemolysis, renal failure or immune compromised)

○ Whole blood/serum: serum separator tube (clotted blood) (min volume 5 mL)

○ Unstained slides: Slide mailer
○ Whole blood: EDTA-blood tube (lavender top) (min volume 1 mL)
○ CSF/lymph node aspirate: sterile container

Whole blood/serum
○ Decontaminate skin with 70% alcohol followed by iodine or chlorhexidine, collect at least 5 mL of blood in appropriate container

○ Decontaminate skin, collect at least 0.5 mL of CSF by lumbar puncture into sterile container

Lymph node aspirate
○ Decontaminate skin, collect lymph node aspirate via fine needle with sterile technique. Place in sterile container.

Refer to section Sample Processing / Delivery


○ Microscopy: Up to 2 days
○ Serology/PCR: Up to 42 days

416-586-4800 extension 4611


○ Label specimen container and outer biohazard specimen bag with printed electronic laboratory order sticker. For unstained blood slides, place in slide mailer. Place specimens in biohazard bag, seal.

○ Specimens should be stored at room temperature (20-25˚C) after collection and transported immediately to the UHN/SH Microbiology Laboratory

○ The specimen will be referred to the Public Health Ontario Laboratory for testing. PHOL will refer molecular and serologic testing to NRCP.