Pathology Consultation

Diagnostic Consultation, Pathology Review, Consult, Sarcoma, Breast, Gyne, Gastrointestinal, Placental, Molar, Oral, Cytology, Head, Neck, Hematopathology, Muscluoskeletal, Perinatal, Secondary Review
Anatomical Pathology
Surgical Pathology

Use for: Anatomical Pathology consultation requests; Cancer biomarker requests and MSI. NOTE: Requisitions MUST include clinical study program for the patient, if applicable.

Formalin fixed paraffin embedded block or tissue sections cut at 4 microns mounted on "Superfrost Plus" charged slides.

Room temperature

Monday to Friday; 8 am to 5 pm

Please refer directly to the Pathology Report

Tel: (416) 586-4800 extension 4457
Fax: (416) 586-8628