Prothrombin Time

Core Laboratory & Transfusion Medicine

MSH Coagulation requisition form (MS 520)

The prothrombin time (PT) is the screening test for the reactions of the extrinsic pathway. PT is most commonly used for monitoring oral anticoagulant therapy and for performing factor assays for the extrinsic system.
A prolonged PT value is most often indicative of a decreased level of one or more of the factors in the extrinsic or common pathways of coagulation. An increased PT usually indicates defective or decreased synthesis of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors. The PT assay is also sensitive to decreases in factor V and fibrinogen, which may accompany end-stage liver disease or, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).

Plasma (3.2% Na Citrate)

Full draw

Light Blue citrate tube
Collection Containers – Tube Types

Adult: 2.7 mL
Pediatric Micro tube: 1 mL

The 9:1 blood/citrate ratio must be kept constant. Adjustments for the amount of anticoagulant should be made when the hematocrit is abnormal (above 55%). Mix immediately to prevent clotting.
Collection Instructions

Send whole blood sample(s) at room temperature as soon as possible.
If specimens cannot be shipped immediately, centrifuge and separate plasma within 1 hour of collection, send frozen plasma on dry ice

Fridge: N/A
Room Temperature: 24 hours Freezer: - 20 °C 2 weeks - 70 °C 6 months

Automated Coagulation Analyzer

24 hours, 7 days/week.

1 hour

2 hours

Adult: PT: 9.7-11.8 sec, INR: 0.9-1.1
Full-term Infant at Birth: PT: 10.1 – 15.9 sec, INR: 0.53 – 1.62
Premature Infant of 30 to 36 Weeks gestational age: PT: 10.6 – 16.2 sec, INR: 0.61 – 1.70
Premature Infant of < 28 weeks gestational age: PT: 12.9-28.5 sec In case of discrepancies, always interpret results using reference ranges as stated on laboratory reports and/or electronic patient chart.

416-586-4800 Extension 4688

Must indicate anticoagulant status