Soft Tissue & Bone Cancer Panel

Sarcoma Fusion, SGT, Fusion, Somatic Genetic Testing
Diagnostic Medical Genetics
Advanced Molecular Genetics
Fixed Tissue - Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded

Molecular interrogation, where indicated, for classification, prognostic and/or therapeutic purposes.
When applicable more than one type of molecular assay may be included (e.g. RNA, DNA, or methylation based assay)

Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissue Block

Blocks are preferred.

If submitting slides:
6 x 10um on plain slides + 1 H&E AND 10um curls. Super Clean cutting in 1.5 mL tube


Room Temperature. Must not be refrigerated frozen or exposed to heat.

Routine only; Monday to Friday

2 weeks

Gene list available on request

Samples received and processed Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Soft Tissue & Bone; Indications outlined by Ontario Health (formerly Cancer Care Ontario); see link in Clinical Significance section