Thrombin Time

Core Laboratory & Transfusion Medicine

MSH Coagulation requisition form (MS 520)

Thrombin converts fibrinogen in plasma into fibrin forming a clot. Thrombin time is a screening coagulation test designed to assess fibrin formation from fibrinogen in plasma.

Plasma (3.2% Na Citrate)

Full draw

Light Blue citrate tube
Collection Containers – Tube Types

The 9:1 blood/citrate ratio must be kept constant. Adjustments for the amount of anticoagulant should be made when the hematocrit is abnormal (above 55%). Mix immediately to prevent clotting.
Collection Instructions

Send whole blood sample(s) at room temperature as soon as possible.
If specimens cannot be shipped immediately, centrifuge and separate plasma within 1 hour of collection, send frozen plasma on dry ice

Fridge: N/A
Room Temperature: 4 hours
Freezer: - 20 °C 2 weeks - 70 °C 6 months

Automated Coagulation Analyzer

24 hours, 7 days/week.

1 hour

4 hours

Adult: 14.0-21.0 sec
Full-term Infant at Birth: 19.0 – 28.3 sec
Premature Infant of 30 to 36 Weeks gestational age: 19.2-30.4 sec In case of discrepancies, always interpret results using reference ranges as stated on laboratory reports and/or electronic patient chart.

416-586-4800 Extension 4688

Must indicate anticoagulant status